
Part of running a small business (with no storefront) is getting your product out into the world. Bring on the craft fairs, and markets, and festivals! You get to meet other crafters, and talk to customers face to face! You also get to pack up all your products and displays, drive to wherever, set it all up, and then take it all down when it's over, and there's almost always a vendor fee. But still...they're fun! Yay!

And I'm SO grateful to all the organizers of events that welcome crafters. It can't be easy. And we'd be lost without them. I'll be weighing the cost versus benefit for many upcoming events, and I'll be sure to list all the ones I attend on the website. 

My first market was at Bluemel's Garden & Landscape Center, and it was delightful. This Saturday I'll be at the Great Art Bar Fall Rummage Sale and Flea Market, which promises to be a good time. And at the end of the month I'll be featured at Freya Salon during Bay View Gallery Night which sounds like a pretty sweet gig. And I'm on the lookout for more, so if you hear of anything, please let me know.

If you check out one of these events, come say hi. I promise my booth will smell the best.