What a long, strange year (and a half) it's been...


Hi there! How are you doing? Did you survive the last year and a half? It’s been weird, huh? But here we are, summer of 2021 and there’s hope in the air. Right? Right.

In that spirit, now seems like a good time for a few updates. For example, I moved into a new (bigger, better) space in the same building in January of this year. I’ve expanded operations, and I’m looking at ways to keep growing while maintaining the same small-batch, hands-on approach. Because really, that’s why I do it.

And I’ve finally had time to start playing around with some new products! My vegan lip balm is now for sale, in Lavender Mint and Lavender Bergamot. I’ve been using it everyday, so I can confidently say it’s damn good stuff.


And for you bath takers, there’s a brand new fizzer variety: Grapefruit and Eucalyptus. Thanks to my dear friend Anna for the inspiration. It’s summery and refreshing.

As I’ve said in the past, I’m not a bath person. But as a runner, a nice foot bath is a different story. With that in mind, you can now get any of the fizzers in mini size - perfect for hand or foot baths.

Finally, I’m hoping to have another open house/seconds sale over the summer, with safety protocols in place, of course. I’ll keep you posted.

Ok, that’s enough out of me. Stay safe and healthy, and hopeful. See you soon!
